Organizing a working session on environmental protection activities and opening a short-term basic English class for Lang Son Geopark Management Board officiers and Homestays in Huu Lung district

Phạm Hương 04/02/2023


On February 3, 2023, Lang Son Geopark Management Board coordinated with the Division of Culture and Information and the People's Committees of Huu Lien and Yen Thinh Communes, Huu Lung district to organize a working session on environmental protection activities and opening a short basic English class for Lang Son Geopark Management Board officiers and Homestays in Huu Lung district.

At the working session on environmental protection activities, Lang Son Geopark Management Board summarized the implementation situation and the results achieved in raising public awareness on environmental protection in the area of Lang Son Geopark over the past time. She highly appreciated the environmental protection work in Huu Lien commune (Huu Lien commune is increasingly clean and beautiful, making a good impression on the delegation of Lang Son Geopark Management Board when coming to work with the commune on February 3, 2023). Lang Son Geopark Management Board has coordinated with the People's Committee of Huu Lien Commune to implement a number of environmental protection activities such as within the framework of a training course on knowledge training on Geoheritage and Geoparks and a short-term training course to improve specialized English knowledge to meet the requirements of Geopark management in 2022, deploying community engagement activities to protect the environment "For a Waste-free Huu Lien Commune in New Year 2023" (The contest received active participation and response local authorities, socio-political organizations and people all walks of life in the commune; demonstrating the community’s spirit and responsibility, joy and pride in joining hands to protect the environment, towards building the image of a sustainable community-based tourism village and affirming the feasibility of building the model "A Waste-free Huu Lien Commune in 2023”).

The meeting participants focused on discussing the sources of environmental problems (mainly households treat waste on-site by incinerators, there are not many public trash bins or no garbage collection companies, solid waste has not been classified, the problems of recyclable waste, environmental pollution at Markets in the two communes also needs to be solved - after market sessions, the amount of plastic bags and waste is high, the source of waste in Dong Lam Scenic Area is mainly Lan Chau and Lang Que Villages, Huu Lien commune). A number of solutions were discussed at the meeting, specifically: Continuing to raise people's awareness of environmental sanitation, two communes: Huu Lien and Yen Thinh should consider carrying out piloting the cooperation with one garbage collection company in Huu Lung district to collect garbage at some community tourism villages in Huu Lien and Yen Thinh communes (advocating for socialization to buy waste bins and pay for the garbage collection company); mobilize socialization (homestays, businesses) for community projects, especially environmental protection activities; thoroughly treat waste sources in Dong Lam Scenic Area (treatment of waste Lan Chau and Lang Que villages, Huu Lien commune); using environmentally friendly bags to go to the market in a village in Huu Lien commune; sanctions for acts of causing environmental pollution. The leaders of the People's Committees of Huu Lien and Yen Thinh Communes expressed their strong determination in implementing a number of practical solutions to protect the green - clean - beautiful environment in the locality, towards the development of community-based tourism villages in particular, socio-economy in general in a sustainable way.

Within the framework of the working trip, Lang Son Geopark Management Board organized the opening ceremony and taught a short-term basic English class for the Lang Son Geopark Management Board officiers and homestays in Huu Lung district. The duration of the training course is divided six phases in 2023, each session lasts one to two days. During the training period, the trainees are fostered with basic English knowledge such as greetings, self-introduction, family, weather, culture, cuisine, local scenic spots and basic information about Lang Son Geopark. Besides, the students will practice and record Video Clips talking directly with tourists staying at their Homestay or during group study.

The trainer of the training course guided trainees to practice communicating in English

The training class contributes to improving the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of the management and development of the Geopark, meeting the criteria and requirements of UNESCO in the recognition of the Global Geopark (the Management Board has the capacity and authority to run all activities of the Geopark, provide training programs for tourguides or Tour Operators working with the Management Board, local communities and officials and operators; local managers and leaders have an active and official participation in training activities to improve the capacity and operation of the Geopark; establishing formal partnerships with stakeholders at the Geopark (restaurants, hotels, homestays, etc.), meeting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (eliminating poverty, good jobs and economic growth, sustainable communities), improving the quality of tourism services, creating jobs, increasing income tourism activities; contributing to building the destination's image, promote the development of community-based tourism, eco-tourism and experience tourism in the province.


The working program of the delegation of Lang Son Geopark Management Board in Huu Lien commune, Huu Lung district on the occasion of New Year 2023 took place successfully, confirming the initial close and effective cooperation between Lang Son Geopark Management Board and the authorities and localities in the Lang Son Geopark area towards the construction and development of the Lang Son Geopark area in a sustainable and prosperous manner.

Pham Huong




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