Organizing a working program with the delegation of UNESCO Office in Vietnam and the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO in Lang Son province

Phạm Hương 05/03/2023




On February 22-23, 2023, Lang Son province successfully organized a working program with the delegation of UNESCO Office in Vietnam  and the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO in Lang Son province. The delegation conducted a survey in the districts of Lang Son Geopark and Loc Binh district and had a courtesy meeting with the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee, the Steering Committee for Lang Son Global Geopark Construction,  reporting and evaluating the survey results of the districts in the Lang Son Geopark area, evaluating the potential for cooperation between Lang Son province and the UNESCO Office in Vietnam.


At the meeting, the Chief Representative of UNESCO to Vietnam highly appreciated the potentials in Lang Son Geopark (geological, cultural, historical, culinary and indigenous values); Lang Son province has promulgated the Scheme on Establishment, Construction and Development of Lang Son Geopark in the period of 2021 - 2025, with a Geopark management apparatus and leaders at all levels of the province demonstrating high political commitment in implementing the task of building and developing Lang Son Geopark, determined to complete the dossier to submit to UNESCO for recognition of the Global Geopark; Lang Son province is doing very well in education and training, raising public awareness about the role and meaning of the establishment of the Geopark. He affirmed: UNESCO experts are ready to share experiences and support for Lang Son province to complete the dossier, build a Global Geopark and recommend Lang Son province to develop an overall Park Management Plan covering geology, preserving and promoting the cultural, historical and archaeological of the region; Tham Khuyen - Tham Hai cave area should not be concreted because it may lose the landscape, the meaning of archaeological value dating 470,000 years ago, huts should not be built to rest under the fields near the road  to Tham Khuyen - Tham Hai Cave (if well preserved, this relic site will be an attractive destination in Lang Son Geopark in the future), and at the same time, it is necessary to conduct a structural safety assessment at ThamKhuyen - Tham Hai Cave.




The expert delegation also emphasized that Lang Son Geopark needs to promote and effectively exploit the strengths of the locality in the Geopark area, especially the cultural, historical and archaeological in order to meet UNESCO criteria for recognition as a Global Geopark.

The representative of the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO informed about the process of developing and submitting the dossier to UNESCO for recognition of Lang Son Global Geopark, emphasizing that the province should pay attention to the timeline as prescribed by UNESC,  need to send UNESCO a Letter of Interest regarding submission of the Dossier before June 30 and nominations before November 30, etc. and the internal process (as stipulated in Decree 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022); giving some suggestions and recommendations, for example, Lang Son province should continue to consolidate and supplement human resources for the Management Board in the coming time. In addition, in order to realize the goals of the Project on the establishment, construction and development of Lang Son Geopark in the 2021-2025 period, it is necessary to mobilize state and social resources and closely coordinate with at all levels, sectors, business community and people; increase investment in research on heritage (cultural, geological, archeological values...); develop planning (master plan for conservation and promotion of geopark heritage values, regional planning, tourism development planning), management plan, roadmap and plan to submit to UNESCO for appraisal of dossiers; learn the experiences of the UNESCO Global Geopark Management Board in Vietnam and other countries in the construction and development of Geoparks, complete the dossier to submit to UNESCO for recognition of the Global Geopark. The Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO will continue to accompany, support and coordinate with the province and related parties to effectively implement the work of building documents and recognizing the title of Global Geopark.

At the meeting, Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee briefly introduced the potential and strengths of Lang Son province in general and Lang Son Geopark in particular; emphasis: Lang Son Geopark is preserved intact and exploited, rationally and sustainably used, overall of geological heritage, geomorphology, natural landscape, cultural identity, biodiversity. In the coming time, the province will continue to implement 12 key tasks in the project of establishing, building and developing Lang Son Geopark in the 2021-2025 period, meeting UNESCO’s criteria for recognition of a global Geopark; Lang Son Geopark recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark will contribute to realizing the goals of the Action Program of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee to implement the Resolution of the 17th Lang Son Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025: Developing tourism an important economic sector in 2025, a spearhead economic sector in 2030. The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee expressed his wish that UNESCO would pay attention and support the province in the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark, supporting the completion of the dossier to submit to UNESCO for recognition of the Global Geopark and promoting cooperation in other fields where Lang Son province has strengths such as culture, heritage, training support to improve the quality of human resources, environmental protection, sustainable development...; assigned the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and related agencies and units to absorb the orientations and recommendations for the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark to meet the criteria of a Global Geopark.

Lang Son Province successfully organized a working program with the Delegation of UNESCO  Office in Vietnam and the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO; introducing and promoting the potential and strengths of Lang Son province in general and Lang Son Geopark in particular to partners; promote the construction and development of the Geopark, complete the Dossier to submit to UNESCO for recognition of the Global Geopark. The results of the mission of the  UNESCO Office in Vietnam and the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO in Lang Son province have helped Lang Son province to have an overview assessment of the current status of the value of geological heritage, biodiversity, archaeological sites, cultural heritages, tourism products in Lang Son Geopark area, potentials and prospects for construction and development of Lang Son Geopark a UNESCO Global Geopark, identifying directions and recommendations for the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark to meet the criteria of a Global Geopark.

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