AnEnglish Online Forum "Celebrating the 82ndAnniversary of Bac Son Uprising (September 27, 1940 - September 27, 2022)"

Đình Khanh 18/09/2022


On September 16, 2022, Lang Son Geopark Management Board coordinated with People's Committees of Districts: Bac Son, Binh Gia, Chi Lang, Huu Lung, Van Quan to organize an English Online Forum "Celebrating the 82nd Anniversary of Bac Son Uprising (September 27, 1940 - September 27, 2022). Attending the Forum were Leaders and Officials of Lang Son Geopark Management Board; representatives of advisory groups for the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark and youth groups (10 people each) of Bac Son, Binh Gia, Chi Lang, Huu Lung, Van Quan districts (fluent in English). This is an activity within the framework of the coordination program to implementpropaganda and education activities on Geoparks for the 2022-2025 period between the Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the People's Committees of Districts in Lang Son Geopark.

At the Forum, delegates watched a documentary about Bac Son Uprising; youth groups districts in Lang Son Geopark exchanged and answered 15 multiple choice questions about Lang Son Geopark, UNESCO Global Geoparks, 30 multiple choice questionsabout Bac Son Uprising. The Organizing Committee used Kahoot Software for multiple choice questions, thereby making the rounds of the competition very exciting. As a result, the youth groupsfrom Van Quan, Chi Lang and Binh Gia districts won prizes after two rounds of the competition (the youth group Van Quan district gained the highest score).

Youth group in Binh Gia district

Youth group in Bac Son district


Youth group in Van Quan district


Youth group in Chi Lang district



Youth group Huu Lung district

Youth groups participated in the competition “Getting to know about Bac Son Uprising


The youth groups Van Quan, Chi Lang and Binh Gia districts won prizes after two rounds of the competition

The Forum is a practical activity to celebrate the 82ndAnniversary of Bac Son Uprising (September 27, 1940 - September 27, 2022), contributing to reviewing the glorious tradition of the nation, Bac Son Uprising opened the beginning of the revolutionary period, our country used revolutionary violence, armed struggle combined with political struggle, the people’s uprising and the advance of the revolutionary armed forces to overthrow imperialism and feudalism. Bac Son Uprising helps our Party gain more valuable practical experiences and theoretical basis for the guideline of revolutionary struggle and national liberation. Bac Son Uprising is forever recorded in our country's revolutionary history as an example of the revolutionary heroism of the Vietnamese people.

          Dinh Khanh

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