Organizing the "English Speaking Contest on Geopark Corner"



On August 8, 2024, the Lang Son Geopark Management Board, in collaboration with Hoang Van Thu High School, Lang Son City, organized the "English Speaking Contest on the Lang Son Geopark Corner" with the theme "Walk on Time."

          The contest was attended by the leaders and staff of the Lang Son Geopark Management Board, representatives of the school administration, teachers, and 50 students Hoang Van Thu High School, Lang Son City. Ten students the 11th and 12th grades participated in the English speaking contest about the Geopark Corner placed at Hoang Van Thu High School. Each contestant had 7 minutes to introduce themselves and convey the significance of the contest, particularly highlighting the of the Geopark Corner at Hoang Van Thu High School. Many students showcased their excellent English language and speaking skills during the contest.

Overview of the Contest


The presentation of the contestant


The presentation of the contestant


The presentation of the contestant


The presentation of the contestant


The presentation of the contestant


The presentation of the contestant

Audience participating in a quiz about Lang Son Geopark on Kahoot platform

Audience participating in a quiz about Lang Son Geopark on Kahoot platform

          At the end of the contest, the organizers awarded 10 prizes to the participating students (including 1 first prize, 1 second prize, 3 third prizes, and 5 consolation prizes). Tô Phương Anh class 11A7 won the first prize in the contest.


Mrs. Phạm Thị Hương, Deputy Head of Lang Son Geopark Management Board, awarded the prizes to the winners


Ms. Phạm Thị Hương, Deputy Head of Lang Son Geopark Management Board, awarded the first prize to the winner Tô Phương Anh class 11A7 of Hoang Van Thu High School

The contestants taking commemorative photos with the organizers

          As part of the program, the Lang Son Geopark Management Board officially handed over the Geopark Corner to Hoang Van Thu High School for management. The Geopark Corner, located within the campus of Hoang Van Thu High School, was advised and completed by UNESCO experts at the end of 2023. The Geopark Corner covers an area of over 150m² with the theme "Walk on Time." The area features miniatures of fossilized rocks and panels introducing various destinations within the Geopark, arranged in a scientific sequence to narrate the history of life's evolution.

Mrs. Phạm Thị Hương, Deputy Head of Lang Son Geopark Management Board, handed over the "Geopark Corner" transfer document to Mrs. Nông Thuỷ Kiều, Deputy Principal of Hoang Van Thu High School

Lang Son Geopark Corner at Hoang Van Thu High School in Lang Son City

          The contest aimed to enhance the effectiveness of heritage education and promote Lang Son Geopark in schools. It diversified the forms of education about Lang Son Geopark within the community, providing students with an opportunity to showcase their understanding and passion for geological heritage and the local cultural values. The event created a beneficial platform for the community to interact, share knowledge, and develop soft skills, as well as express their talents. It also aimed to build and develop a team of communicators to promote Lang Son Geopark among students. This effort meets one of UNESCO's criteria for recognizing Global Geoparks: the active and official participation of the local community and indigenous people in Geopark activities, along with the transfer of knowledge, practices, and management systems to the younger generation.

Delegates and students taking commemorative photos at the Lang Son Geopark Corner at Hoang Van Thu High School in Lang Son City.













Bài liên quan
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Lang Son Geopark was evaluated and voted to be recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark by the Global Geoparks Council.

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