Roles of women in protecting environment in Lang Son Geopark

Phạm Hương 26/01/2023


Implementing the Project on establishment, construction and development of Lang Son Geopark in the 2021-2025 period, issued together with Decision No. 2386/QĐ-UBND of the Committee. people of Lang Son Province dated December 8, 2021; Plan No. 258/KH-UBND of the People's Committee of Lang Son Province dated December 26, 2022  on the implementation of constructing and developing Lang Son Geopark in 2023, including the task "Building and implementing an education program to raise public awareness about the geological heritage and Lang Son Geopark” (implementation of climate change activities, waste management, alternative use of plastic bottles) and “Building and implementing a propaganda and promotion program to promote Lang Son Geopark” (focusing on propaganda on the role, position, importance and significance of geological and cultural heritages), biodiversity and environmental protection, forest ecosystems in Lang Son Geopark). According to one of the criteria for UNESCO to recognize a Global Geopark, a Geopark must participate in activities related to adaptation, disaster reduction and climate change mitigation; develop education to mitigate climate change and natural hazards; local communities, indigenous people actively and officially participate in the operation of the Geopark, represent in the management structure of the Geopark and participate in the drafting, implementation of actions and Geopark projects. Lang Son Geopark Management Board has coordinated with relevant agencies and units to implement activities to raise public awareness on environmental protection in Lang Son Geopark,  especially these activities have attracted  the enthusiastic, responsible and effective participation of women and girls in the area.

On January 12, 2023, the Lang Son Geopark Management Board coordinated with the Culture and Information Division of Bac Son District and the People's Committee of Bac Quynh Commune, Bac Son district to organize a community  activity to protect the environment "For a waste-free Bac Quynh commune in New Year 2023".


Bac Quynh commune is 4 km Bac Son town, Bac Son district. The commune currently has nine villages with 976 households and 4328 people. This is a potential area to develop tourism types of Lang Son province in general and Lang Son Geopark in particular, such as ecotourism, resort, spiritual tourism, community tourism and so on. Typically, Quynh Son community tourist site was established in 2010 attracting a lot of tourists to the area.

Environmental protection activity was organized in the form of a contest with nine teams nine villages of Bac Quynh commune including Bac Son, Tham Pat, Don Riec 1, Don Riec 2, Na Rieng, Noi Hoa, Dong Dang, Tri Yen, Tan Son. The  teams cleaning the house to the gate, village roads, alleys, relics,... The contest has attracted the response of a large number of people in the commune. At the end of the contest, the Organizing Committee gave prizes to the five best teams, in which, the first prize belonged to Don Riec 1 village, the second prize belonged to Don Riec 2 village and Tham Pat village, and the third prize belonged to Dong Dang village and the consolation prize belonged to Bac Son village.





On January 13, 2023, Lang Son Geopark Management Board cooperated with the Culture and Information Division, the People's Committee of Van Linh Commune, Phố Cũ  Village, Van Linh Commune, Chi Lang District to successfully organize a community engagement activity to protect the environment "For a waste-free dried noodle craft village in Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district in Lang Son Geopark  in New year 2023".


The environmental protection activity was organized in the form of a contest consisting of five teams cleaning inside the house to the gate, village roads, alleys, relics,... The contest attracted the response of many people in the village. At the end of the contest, the Organizing Committee gave prizes to the teams (one first prize, one second prize, one third prize, two consolation prizes).

The community engagement activity to protect the environment "For a waste-free dried noodle craft village in Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district in Lang Son Geopark  in New year 2023" took place successfully. This is a meaningful activity in New Year 2023, showing the spirit, responsibility, joy and pride of the community in joining hands to protect the environment, towards building the image of a sustainable dried noodle craft village (Lang Son Geopark Management Board is very impressed, highly appreciates the positive spirit and serious attitude of the old men and women at this event; with such a community spirit, the possibility towards a waste-free dried noodle craft village in Van Linh commune in 2023 and the following years is very feasible).


On January 18, 2023, Lang Son Geopark Management Board coordinated with the Division of Culture and Information and the People's Committees of Huu Lien, Yen Thinh Communes, Huu Lung district to carry out community engagement to protect the environment "For a waste-free Huu Lien commune on the eve of the new year 2023".


Environmental protection activity was organized in the form of a contest with seven participating teams seven villages in Huu Lien commune including Tan Lai, Ba Lang, Lien Hop, Doan Ket, Lang Ben, Lang Que, Lan Chau. The teams cleaned up households (private houses, barns, kitchens, gates…) and public areas (village roads, alleys, relics, cultural houses, Community Tourism Villages...). The contest received active participation and response local authorities, socio-political organizations and people all walks of life in the commune; demonstrating the spirit, responsibility, joy and pride of the community in joining hands to protect the environment, towards building the image of a sustainable community-based tourism village and affirming the feasibility of building a model "A waste-free Huu Lien commune in 2023".


At the end of the contest, the Organizing Committee awarded prizes to seven teams, of which, one first prize for Doan Ket village, one second prize for Lang Que village, one third prize for Lien Hop village and four consolation prizes for the villages of Ba Lang, Lang Ben, Lan Chau and Tan Lai. Total amount of garbage collected is 500 bags (estimated about one ton of waste).


This activitity has contributed to propaganda, raising community awareness, awareness, roles and responsibilities on environmental protection for officials and people; campaigning not to use non-degradable plastic bags or single-use plastic products, using environmentally friendly products and services, not littering, practicing cleaning habits inside the house to the gate, village roads, alleys, relic sites,... Raising awareness about limiting acts of environmental pollution, creating a clean environment landscape of the locality; helping people to be responsible and proud in joining hands to protect the environment, towards building the image of a sustainable Lang Son Geopark; creating a ripple effect in protecting the green, clean and beautiful environment, leaving a good impression on domestic and international tourists when visiting Lang Son Geopark.

Successful piloted environmental protection activities in Bac Quynh commune, Bac Son district, Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district, Huu Lien commune, Huu Lung district, creating a strong spillover effect in environmental sanitation in Lang Son Geopark have received a great contribution of women and girls. In the coming time, Lang Son Geopark Management Board aims to implement more activities to improve the capacity and role of women in the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark.

Pham Huong



Bài liên quan
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