




LSaUGGp:           Lạng Sơn Geopark

LSPS:                   Personnel working for the official partner program of LSaCVĐC

ASEAN:               Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Table of contents

1- Foreword....................................................................................................... 3

2- Concept......................................................................................................... 3

3- Proposed Criteria.......................................................................................... 3

4- Geopark Commitment................................................................................... 5

5- Evaluation Procedures................................................................................... 6

6- Rating Evaluation........................................................................................ 12

7- Geopark Products for Partners.................................................................... 15

8- Appendix.................................................................................................... 15

          1- FOREWORD

  Partnership relations are a fundamental prerequisite for a Geopark and need to be established with various stakeholders within its territory: restaurants, hotels, homestays, museums, tour guides, products, etc.

          Partnership for this Geopark is essential:

          - To bring about sustainable and harmonized economic development for the local population.

          - To participate in building a unified image of the Geopark.

          - To encourage local residents and stakeholders to engage in the process of building and developing the Geopark.

          - To enhance the quality of products and services within the Geopark area.

          Any type of partnership for the Geopark should include:

          - Clear criteria that align with the quality levels required by the Geopark.

          - Defined commitments for both partners and the Geopark.

          - Formal agreements.

          - Rigorous evaluation tools for potential partners.

          - Strict procedures.

          - A long-term strategy that professional staff can continuously monitor and control, ensuring the corresponding development of partner quality.

          2- CONCEPT

          In various potential partnership models of the Geopark, developing the partnership policy of the Geopark with hotels is a priority due to the specific context of the Geoparks and the current situation.

          To implement and operate the hotel partnership of the Geopark, it is necessary to provide an organized strategy and tools to ensure professional management quality. The success of this partnership mechanism largely depends on the understanding of the Geopark regarding the basic requirements of the quality of the traveler's experience the hotel service perspective.        


          The proposed criteria to be submitted to the Geopark for analysis, adjustment, and decision-making include the following areas:

          Hotel ownership, facilities, activities, authenticity, management, location, safety, security, marketing, sustainability principles, and communication.

          3.1. Hotel Suppliers

          3.1.1. Hotel suppliers have no criminal record.

          3.1.2. Hotels must be registered and licensed to operate.         

          3.2 Hotel Equipment

          3.2.1. Accommodation

 The infrastructure of the hotel must be in good, stable, and safe condition, including the roof, walls, doors, floors, etc.


 Bedrooms must have a private bathroom and toilet.

 Accommodation facilities must have a clean and adequate water supply at all times.

 Provide good amenities and interior decoration in guest bedrooms such as fan, bedside lamp, desk, chair, socket, small cabinet, mirror, power outlet, curtain, mosquito repellent, etc.

 Provide good standard beds such as single and double beds.

 If necessary, windows must be fitted with mosquito screens or individual bed nets for each bed to prevent mosquitoes and other insects.

 Bed linens must be changed when necessary, and after guests check out, clean sheets, bedspreads, and pillows must be prepared for the next guests.


 Provide a squat toilet in the private bathroom.

 Provide sanitary and bathroom facilities (mirror, vanity light, sink, showerhead, socket, etc.).

 Ensure clean water supply at all times.

          3.2.2. Hotel Management

 The hotel must have an organized structure with clear roles and responsibilities.

 The organizational structure should be led by local women and youth.

          Guest Database

 Design a booking and reservation system to keep records of guest arrivals, nationality, length of stay, etc.

 Provide a guestbook for guests to leave comments, complaints, or suggestions.

 Provide clear signages to guide guests to the correct hotel.

          3.2.3 Cleanliness

 All bedrooms, corridors, and bathrooms must be kept clean and free odors, smoke, dust, cobwebs, etc.

 Hotel floors must be regularly cleaned and free dirt or slippery spots.

 Toilets, showers, bathtubs, faucets, and sinks must be regularly cleaned and free dust, dirt, and odors.

 Disinfectants must be used to ensure that bathrooms are clean and free germs.

 The hotel must provide clean soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and towels.

 The surrounding environment must not be littered.

          3.2.4. Food Preparation

(if the hotel has a restaurant, the restaurant must meet additional criteria for Geopark restaurant partners)    

          3.2.5. Marketing, Advertising on Website

 It is recommended to develop a website or use social media networks to promote the hotel and accept online bookings.

          3.2.6. Sustainability Principles

 The hotel management should recruit and employ local staff.

 The hotel management should procure raw materials and products local businesses, cooperatives.

 Encourage guests to purchase locally-made goods and design an area to display and advertise local products such as handicrafts, souvenirs in the hotel lobby or have a common area to introduce specific local products of the Geopark.

 Strictly prohibit business activities, trafficking in prostitution or drug use, and illegal substances.

          3.2.7. Communication, Information

 The hotel must provide free Wi-Fi access in common areas and bedrooms.

 Family members/staff members of the hotel should be able to communicate in basic English.


          As partners of the Geopark must sign commitments in the formal agreement of the partner (see model in the Appendix), the Geopark, on its part, will have to fulfill the following important commitments:

          4.1. Management

          - Organize the establishment of formal agreements with each hotel partner of the Geopark.

          - Organize consulting, development support, and monitoring of Geopark partners or potential future partners of the Geopark.

          - Provide guestbooks for travelers.

          4.2. Training

          - Organize training sessions for Geopark hotel partners on Geopark and the heritage points of the Geopark or Geopark services provided near the hotel. Propose at least one training day per year.

          - Organize training sessions for Geopark hotel partners on emergency measures and security for guests.

          4.3. Promotion

          - Provide each hotel selected as a partner of the Geopark with a partner certificate, a partner logo plaque to be displayed on the hotel premises.

          - Provide each hotel partner of the Geopark with Geopark brochures and general information about the Geopark (signage, publications, etc.).

          - Promote Geopark hotel partners on the Geopark website and through brochures, publications, trade fairs (domestic, international), etc.


          5.1. Geopark Partner Specialist (GPPS)

          To develop the Geopark 's partnership program, the Geopark Management Board will need to assign a staff member the specialized department (or appoint a new staff member) to monitor and develop the partnership program.

          This staff member should have adequate equipment for work (computer, transportation means, camera - or a quality smartphone for taking photos, etc.). Deep understanding of the Geopark, tourism skills, knowledge of local conditions as well as English proficiency (check criteria 10.2). An expert in traditional architecture and techniques should be regularly and long-term engaged with the Geopark 's partner group (check basic criteria in section 2 and hotel support project).

          5.2. Identifying Potential Hotel Partners of the Geopark

          In the initial stage of this Geopark strategy, the GPPS will need to identify hotels with potential to meet the partnership criteria. Therefore, Tourism Department staff, district leaders, and local community leaders need to assist and guide in selecting partners in their respective areas. The next step is to conduct a field visit to the hotel to assess its potential, desires, and benefits of the hotel owner wishing to become a partner.

          Before considering potential hotels as candidates to become partners, the partner specialist must check the following criteria:

          - Compliance with Vietnamese laws, registration of the hotel business type

          - The hotel meets the criteria of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) according to national standards.

          5.3. Evaluation

          After checking the issues related to section 3.1, the hotels as candidates need to be evaluated by a member of the GPPS. The evaluation is conducted directly at the hotel and must follow the checklist and procedures.

          After assessing the hotel's capabilities, the partner specialist will produce a report on that hotel.

          This report must be accompanied by photos and relevant documents of the hotel.

          At the end of the report, the GPPS must provide their opinion on whether the hotel meets the criteria to become a Geopark hotel partner.

          This checklist will be adjusted to align with the criteria in section 3.

          5.4. Evaluation Checklist





Hotel supplier




The hotel supplier will not have a criminal record.

a- Request to declare records related to criminal records

b- a copy (jpg) the report




Hotels need to have a business registration license

a- Requirements for business registration documents

b- a copy (jpg) the report



Hotel equipment



3.2.1 Accommodation

The hotel's infrastructure must be in good, stable and safe condition such as roof, walls, doors, floors.

a-Visit the hotel and check for infrastructure deterioration such as cracks in walls, broken beams, etc.

b-Take photos of architectural damage and objective damage

c- Take panoramic photos of the hotel





The bedroom has a private bathroom and toilet

a- Ask the accommodation owner to show you the private bathroom

b- Take photos of some bathrooms/toilets

Clean, adequate water supply at all times

a- Check the water source in the toilet/bathroom and note the water quality

b- Note if using a water filter or special water tank in use

c- Ask the hotel owner if water is always available to supply the toilet/bathroom.

Provide good amenities and interior decoration in guest bedrooms such as fans, night lights, tables, chairs.

a- Visit the bedroom and check available amenities

b- Make sure that all amenities are in good condition

c- List the amenities provided

d- Take photos of bedroom amenities

Providing good standard beds such as single beds and double beds

a- Check the private bedroom

b- Make sure that the mattress and pillows on the bed are always in clean and good condition

c- Take photos of the bedroom

If necessary, windows must be fitted with screens to keep out mosquitoes and other insects or mosquito nets for each bed.

a- Check the bedroom window and note that the mesh on the door frame must match (avoid gaps)

b- Take photos of windows and mesh frames

Bed linen will be changed when; and after guests leave, they will be replaced with a clean set

a- Check the bed linen used in the bedroom

b- Make sure it is clean bed sheets

c- Make sure that the bed linen is in good condition (no dust, fungus, odors, etc.)

d- Take photos of bed sheets




Provides a sitting toilet in the private bathroom

a- Check the private toilet located inside the hotel room

b- Make sure they are clean and in good condition

Provide good toilet and bathroom facilities (mirror, lamp, sink, shower, plug, etc.)

a- Check the equipment provided in the toilet/bathroom (toilet, shower, wall paint, mirror, mirror light,..)

b- List equipment

c- Make sure that equipment is in good condition and placed in the right place

d- Take photos of equipment

Clean water must be provided at all times

a- Check the water source in the toilet/bathroom and note the water quality

b- Note the condition of the water filter or water tank in use

c- Ask the hotel owner if water is always available to supply the toilet/bathroom.



3.2.2 Hotel manager

The hotel must have an organizational structure with clear roles and responsibilities

Create conditions for local women and youth to manage within the hotel's organizational structure




Customer database

Design a reservation and registration system to keep records of arrivals, country of origin and length of stay, etc.

a- Review the guest database

b- Take a photo of the database

There should be a guestbook for guests to record comments, complaints or suggestions visitors.

a- Review the database, randomly view customer complaints/suggestions

b- Take photos of complaints/suggestions

Provide clear signage to guide guests to the correct hotel.

a- Experience it yourself: take a trip to the village/city and take note of billboards, signs leading to hotels as well as the information contained therein (route, etc.)

b- Take photos of advertising signs and direction signs



3.2.3 Clean and hygienic

All bedrooms, hallways and toilets must be kept clean and free of odors, dust, dirt, cobwebs, etc.

a- Check the hotel's bedrooms and bathrooms and observe the cleanliness of the floors, walls and ceilings

b- Check for dirt, dust, mold and unpleasant odors, etc.

c- Take photos different angles to show the level of cleanliness

Hotel floors must be cleaned regularly and must be free of stains or slippage.

a- Inspect the floor and check for stains, slippage, dust, fungus, etc.

b- Make sure the floor is dry

c- Take photos of the kitchen

Toilets, showers, bathtubs, faucets and sinks must be cleaned regularly and kept free of dirt, stains and unpleasant odors.

a- Inspect all bathrooms/toilets and check the cleanliness of the fixtures, bathtubs, shower cubicles, etc.

b- Take photos

Disinfectant must be used to keep the restroom clean and germ-free.

a- Inspect all bathrooms/toilets and check the cleanliness of the fixtures, bathtubs, shower cubicles, etc.

b- Take photos

Hotels must provide clean soap, shampoo, toilet tissue, and towels

a- Check the guest's bathroom and check the supplies: soap, shampoo, toilet tissue and clean towels

b- Make sure all items are in the right place

c- List available supplies

d- Take photos of the items

Do not litter the surrounding environment

a- Check the cleanliness of the hotel surroundings

b- Make sure that there are no unsightly spots

c- Take photos of the surrounding scenery



3.2.4 Food preparation (see restaurant reviews)



3.2.5 Marketing and advertising on the website

Hotel management must recruit and employ local staff.

a- Interview the owner of the accommodation facility about the hotel staff being local people

Recommend that hotel owners purchase ingredients and products local sources

a- Interview the owner of the accommodation facility about the sources of raw materials and products used in the accommodation facility

b- Ask about materials/products produced locally

Customers should be encouraged to buy locally produced goods and design an area for selling handicrafts and souvenirs in the hotel lobby area.

a- Ask the accommodation owner if he encourages guests to buy local products, if possible, buy Geopark products in the hotel

Business activities, prostitution brokerage or use of illegal drugs and substances are strictly prohibited

a- Ask the accommodation owner what measures are in place to prevent illegal activities occurring in the village/city



3.2.7 Media, communication 

Hotels must have free Wi-Fi access in common areas and bedrooms

a- Ask the accommodation owner to provide free Wifi access

b- Connect yourself to Wi-Fi to check the network connection

c- Take a photo of the Wi-Fi transmitter   

Family members/hotel staff can communicate in basic English

a- Ask the accommodation owner to point out some staff who can speak basic English

b- Check your level with a short conversation in English






6. RATING EVALUATION                                                     

          For the initial stage of the DMC partnership relationship, and to ensure an objective Evaluation decision, a very simple evaluation should be conducted without assigning any ratios (weights).


6.1 Geopark's standard hotel partner

          On the basis of the ranking page below for the Geopark's standard hotel partners, 30 questions need to be made.

          One point per question means a total of 30 points

Answers in the red section will be crossed out (answers are listed).

It can be proposed that a total score of 25/30 points (not in the red section) is the minimum score required to be recognized as a hotel partner. of the Geopark.


6.2 Evaluation Form

          This ranking form will need to be adjusted to determine and suitable partners according to the criteria of the Geopark (Chapter 3).










Hotel supplier




The hotel supplier has no criminal record






Hotels need to have business registration and licensing




Hotel Equipment


3.2.1 Accomodation

The hotel's infrastructure must be in good, stable and safe condition such as roof, walls, doors, floors, etc.








The bedroom has a private bathroom and separate toilet.


Accommodation facilities must have an adequate and clean water supply at all times


Provide good amenities and interior decoration in the guest bedroom such as fan, night light, table, chair, plug, small cabinet, mirror, power socket, curtain, etc..


Provides good standard beds such as single and double beds


If necessary, windows must be fitted with screens to keep out mosquitoes and other insects or bed nets for each bed


Bed linen must be changed as needed; and after guests check out, prepare clean towels and sheets for the next guest.








Provide a sit-down (septic) toilet in the private bathroom


Providing toilet and bathroom accessories (mirrors, mirror lights, sinks, showerheads, plugs, etc.)


Provide adequate clean water at all times




3.2.2 Hotel manager

The hotel must have an organizational structure with clear roles and responsibilities


The organizational structure should create conditions for local women and young people to run and manage





Customer database



Design a reservation and registration system to keep records of arrivals, country of origin and length of stay, etc.


There should be a guestbook for guests to record comments, complaints or suggestions visitors.


Provide clear advertising and signage to guide guests to the correct hotel.




3.2.3 Clean and hygienic

All bedrooms, hallways and toilets must be kept clean and free of unpleasant odors, dust, dirt, cobwebs, etc.


Hotel floors must be mopped regularly and must be free of stains or slippage..


Toilets, showers, tubs, faucets and sinks must be cleaned regularly and kept free of dirt, stains and odors.


Disinfectants must be used to keep the restroom clean and bacteria-free


Hotels must provide clean soap, shampoo, toilet tissue, and towels


The surrounding environment must not be littered.




3.2.4. Food preparation (see restaurant reviews)


3.2.5. Marketing and advertising on the website

You should develop a website or use social media to promote your hotel and receive online bookings.


The hotel management board will recruit and employ local staff.


It is recommended that the hotel buy raw materials and products local sources.


Customers should be encouraged to buy locally produced goods and design an area to sell handicrafts and souvenirs in the hotel lobby area or have a common area to introduce and advertise local products, specifically local products. products of the Geopark.


Business activities, prostitution brokerage or use of illegal drugs and substances are strictly prohibited




3.2.7. Media, communication 

Hotels must have free Wi-Fi access in common areas and bedrooms


Family members/hotel staff can communicate in basic English








7.1. Printing/Editing

After carrying out all necessary related procedures and in accordance with the criteria, etc., the Geopark will have to provide the partner unit with the following products:

- Guidance and recognition of official partners of the Geopark (in English and Vietnamese).

- Cooperation agreement for the Geopark's partnership model (English and Vietnamese)

- Geopark hotel partner certificate

- A new Geopark partner identification sign will be placed at the entrance of the partner facility (partner logo). This array will be the same for all partner types.

7.2. Other

The Geopark will also have to:

- Provide guestbook

- Organize and conduct annual training for Geopark hotel partners



8.1 Example of a formal cooperation agreement for a Geopark Hotel (needs comments to complete)

LOGO/Address of the Management Board

This agreement is made between:

Mr./Ms. ................................................

The legal representative of the Hotel: ... ....................................


The following is referred to as the Manager.


And LSaUGGp, represented by Mr.: ................

Hereinafter referred to as Geopark.

We agree to the following terms:

Article 1: Purpose of the Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to specify the terms regarding the rights and obligations of the partners as lodging facilities of Geopark and the commitments of both parties.

The objectives of Geopark 's partnership project are as follows:

- To provide tourists visiting Geopark with quality and attractive accommodation options.

- To ensure the quality meets the expectations of guests while staying in the Geopark area.

- To support and promote local initiatives (tourism products) such as those of Geopark and local production facilities.

- To contribute to enhancing the quality of tourism services within the territory of Geopark.

Article 2: Duration of the Agreement

The agreement shall be effective for a period of 4 years the date of signing. It shall be automatically renewed by tacit agreement (both parties understand that if there are no changes, they will continue to be partners of Geopark).

Article 3: Commitments of the Manager (representative of the partner establishment):

1. The Manager, the signatory becoming a partner of Geopark, commits to respecting the detailed criteria in Geopark 's hotel partnership strategy.

2. The Manager commits to promoting Geopark by displaying a partner logo sign at the entrance of their establishment and promoting the partnership and Geopark by displaying and introducing information to their customers through the communication materials provided by Geopark (leaflets, brochures, etc.). The Manager commits to returning any promotional materials and communication documents in case of termination of activities or withdrawal of the partnership relationship.

4. The Manager commits to agreeing to inspections by Geopark and presenting the necessary supporting documents. Commits to accepting the consequences that this control measure may cause: warnings, termination of partnership in case of non-compliance with the Criteria.

5. The Manager commits to training their staff on the contents of Geopark 's partnership program.

6. The Manager participates in Geopark 's training courses (annually) and brand Evaluations as proposed, customer evaluation sheets must be provided.

7. The Manager agrees that at least one member of their staff can provide information, at least at a basic English level, to customers. If necessary, he must commit that at least one member of his staff will undergo basic English communication training. Commits that some minimal information about the hotel must be translated English (website and/or brochures).

Article 4: Geopark's commitments:

1- Geopark commits to providing an annual training course (at least 1 day) for managers.

2- Geopark commits to organizing any training courses in English to help accommodation facilities have basic communication in English.

3- The Geopark commits to providing managers with documents related to the promotion of the Geopark: logo signs, certificates, leaflets, etc.

4- Geopark is committed to listening to “quality management approaches” (scientific methods to evaluate quality) and is willing to better understand Geopark. The Geopark is also committed to working with managers to promote local factories and manufacturing facilities.

5- Geopark is committed to promoting official partners through newspapers, websites, flyers, etc.

6. Geopark commits to supporting partners, if necessary, helping partners translate partner information English

Article 5: Financial Commitment:

This provision does not stipulate any financial regulations.

Article 6: Termination of Activities:

In the event of transfer or termination of activities, the Parties agree that the withdrawal of cooperation will be carried out immediately.

Article 7: Amendment of Terms:

This agreement can only be amended by a better change and must be signed in writing and with the signatures of the parties.

Article 8: Duration:

This agreement is effective for 4 years.

Bài liên quan
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Lang Son Geopark was evaluated and voted to be recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark by the Global Geoparks Council.

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