





LSaUGGp: Lạng Sơn Geopark

LSPS:         Personnel working for the official partner program of  LSaGEOPARK

ASEAN:               Hiệp hội các quốc gia Đông Nam Á

Table of contents

1- Forword........................................................................................................ 3

2- Concept ....................................................................................................... 3

3- Proposed Criteria ........................................................................................ 4

4- Geopark Commitment ................................................................................. 9

5- Evaluation Procedures ................................................................................. 9

6- Rating Evaluation....................................................................................... 21

7- Geopark Products for Partners................................................................... 25

8- Appendix....................................................................................................


Partnership relations are a fundamental prerequisite for a Geopark and need to be established with various stakeholders within its territory: restaurants, hotels, homestays, museums, tour guides, products, etc.

Partnership for this Geopark is essential:

- To bring about sustainable and harmonized economic development for the local population.

- To participate in building a unified image of the Geopark.

- To encourage local residents and stakeholders to engage in the process of building and developing the Geopark.

- To enhance the quality of products and services within the Geopark area.

Any type of partnership for the Geopark should include:

- Clear criteria that align with the quality levels required by the Geopark.

- Defined commitments for both partners and the Geopark.

- Formal agreements.

- Rigorous evaluation tools for potential partners.

- Strict procedures.

- A long-term strategy that professional staff can continuously monitor and control, ensuring the corresponding development of partner quality.


In various potential partnership models of Geopark, developing a partnership policy with homestay accommodations is a priority due to the specific context of Geopark and the current situation.

Developing homestay accommodations is related to a form of tourism with choice, where travelers have the opportunity to experience life in a typical village of the local community. This experiential tourism model is becoming increasingly popular with foreign tourists. In contrast to mass tourism, the development of homestay accommodations should ideally be small-scale, low-density, flexible, and spontaneous. More importantly, it should be owned and operated by local communities to ensure that economic benefits directly reach the residents.

As a form of community-based tourism, the concept of homestay is now recognized as a tool for rural development. Developing homestay accommodations can enhance the quality of life for locals by generating income, supporting local handicrafts, arts, and culture, encouraging the restoration of historical sites, and promoting understanding of UNESCO Global Geoparks and conservation efforts through community education[1].

"With many international tourists seeking rural tourism experiences, the systematic development of the homestay model will be crucial in creating a 'new brand' of experiential tourism, introducing rural lifestyles, providing an affordable accommodation option rich in cultural and educational elements. The appeal of homestay development lies not only in the physical village itself but in the entire village experience, where community activities and interactions play a significant role."[2]

          To deploy and operate the Geopark's homestay partnership, it is necessary to provide an organized strategy and tools to provide quality professional management. The success of this partnership mechanism depends greatly on the Geopark's understanding of the basic requirements for the quality of visitor experience the perspective of homestay services.

          3- PROPOSED CRITERIA[3]

          The proposed criteria that need to be submitted to the Geopark for analysis, adjustment and decision include the following areas:

          Ownership, amenities, activities, authenticity, management, decor, safety, security, marketing, sustainability principles and communications.

Reviewing the Homestays currently operating in the Geopark and considering the important differences in quality existing between different Homestays, will adjust to identify 2 current situations of the Geopark's homestay partners:

          - Basic standard homestay

          - Homestay 1 star

          In the list of criteria, criteria related to the level for homestays are italicized with the symbol at the end.

This list of criteria is expanded and constitutes an "optimal quality".

To be realistic, and especially for the first phase of cooperation, Geoparks will have to adapt this list to their situation/context and choose which criteria are more adaptive and easier to implement.

          1. Landlord

          1.1 Village and community Homestays must be located near cultural and natural tourist attractions/around heritage sites of the Geopark

          1.2 Homestay provider

          1.2.1 Homestay providers must have no criminal record.

          1.2.2 The homestay provider is in good health and has no infectious diseases

          1.2.3 Homestay providers need to have official business registration

          1.2.4 The homeowner can live next to or inside the homestay

        1.2.5 Each homestay provider must attend and complete a basic training course (for each individual household) organized by the Geopark.

          2. Amenities

          2.1 House

          2.1.1 The structure of the house must be in good, stable and safe condition such as roof, walls, doors, floors, etc.

          2.1.2 Construction design and materials must reflect vernacular architecture and local identity (at least in part).

          Design and construction materials must reflect vernacular architecture and local identity (completely).

          2.1.3 The homestay provider must provide guest bedroom(s) separate other bedrooms in the house.

          2.1.4 There will be a minimum of one (1) guest bathroom/toilet in the guest room or in the house.

          Bedroom has private bathroom and toilet

          2.1.5 The house has an adequate and continuous clean water supply in the house

          2.1.6 Decoration and furnishings must reflect local characteristics (landscape, etc.)

          2.2 Bedrooms

          2.2.1 Provide basic amenities and interior decoration in guest bedrooms such as fans, tables, cabinets, cupboards, mirrors, electrical sockets, mosquito nets or mosquito scents, etc.

Provide good amenities and furnishings in guest bedrooms such as bedside lamps, tables, chairs, adaptive plugs, etc..

          2.2.2 Accommodates a maximum of 15 guests and four bedrooms in the house (not used by any member of the provider/homestay owner) are reserved for homestay guests

          2.2.3 Provide traditional "beds" with appropriate "mattresses" and pillows.

Provides good standard beds such as single and double beds

          2.2.4 If necessary, windows should be fitted with screens to keep out mosquitoes and other insects or good mosquito nets should be provided for each bed.

          2.2.5 Bed sheets will be changed when necessary; and replace before providing to the next customer.

          2.3 Toilet/bathroom

          2.3.1 Provide squat/flat toilets inside or outside the house

Provide a sit-down toilet in a private bathroom

          2.3.2 Provide basic toilets and bathrooms including locking doors in all toilets and bathrooms

          Provide good toilet and bathroom (mirror, mirror light, wash basin, shower, plug, etc..)

          2.3.3 Always provide adequate clean water

          3. Activities

          3.1 Village and community activities

          Village and community activities will optimally exploit and introduce local resources as follows:

          3.1.1 Indigenous heritage and culture

          3.1.2 Local enterprises (Micro-enterprises, farms, local handicrafts, handicrafts).

          3.1.3 Natural resources (forests; rivers; caves; lakes, etc.) and potentials of the Geopark

          3.2. Surrounding activities

          3.2.1 Visiting heritage sites of the Geopark around the area must be introduced in the homestay with a full program/itinerary, with the homestay being the basic point.

          3.2.2 Coordinate with other villages in the surrounding/surrounding area to diversify activities as well as increase effects

          3.3. Originality

          3.3.1 The homestay community must preserve its identity, and culture, to provide a lively and authentic experience

          3.3.2 Preserve and attract visitors to participate in community activities to demonstrate community spirit and social cohesion.

          3.3.3 Preserve and introduce local crafts and artistic performances through inviting indigenous cultural and artistic groups and associations

          4. Management

          4.1. Organization

          4.1.1 The homestay management unit must have a systematic structure with clear roles and responsibilities

          4.1.2 Management units must create conditions for empowering local women and youth.

          4.1.3 The village government will approve the establishment of a homestay management unit that is operated commercially but must be the responsible unit.

          4.2. Client database

          4.2.1 Create a registration and reservation system to keep records of arrivals, country and length of stay, etc.

          4.2.2 The guest database will also record comments, complaints and suggestions guests.

          5. Location

          5.1. Accessibility

          5.1.1 The location of the homestay is accessible by any mode of transport (to a distance of at least 1 km)

          5.1.2 Provide clear signage to guide guests to the Homestay

          6. Cleaning

          6.1. House (kitchen, bedroom and bathroom)

          6.1.1 All rooms, kitchens and bathrooms must be kept clean and free stench, dust, cobwebs, trash, etc.

          6.1.2 The kitchen floor must be cleaned regularly and free stains and spills.

          6.1.3 Toilets, bathtubs, wells and sinks must be cleaned regularly and kept free of dirt, stains and unpleasant odors

          6.1.4 Use disinfectant to keep the restroom clean and germ-free.

          6.1.5 Provide soap, shampoo, toilet tissue and clean towels

          6.2. Surrounding Environment

          6.2.1. The surroundings must be free of waste.

          6.2.2. Eliminate mosquito breeding sites such as clogged drains, garbage bins, stagnant water pools, etc.

          6.2.3. Encourage homestays and other residents to beautify the village landscape and maintain the use of local vegetation carpets.

          6.3. Food Preparation

          6.3.1. The kitchen must be in good condition, clean, and well-ventilated.

          6.3.2. Kitchen utensils must be in good condition, clean, and stored in a dry place.

          6.3.3. Cracked dishes, cups, and glasses, etc., should not be used to serve meals to guests.

          6.3.4. Family members involved in food preparation must have good personal hygiene and undergo proper health checks.

          6.3.5. Meat, poultry, fish, and other ingredients used in food preparation must be fresh and preferably sourced local markets/suppliers.

          6.3.6. Food must be wrapped/stored properly.

          6.3.7. Guests must be served safe drinking water.

          7. Security and Safety

          7.1. Participants voluntarily participating in adventurous eco-activities must register their names and contact numbers for recording/monitoring purposes.

          7.2. Homestays must have a first aid/emergency kit + fire extinguisher.

          7.3. Homestays must have a phone connected to emergency numbers.

          8. Website Promotion

          8.1. It is advisable to develop a website and/or use social media networks to promote the homestay and handle online booking.

          Homestay has one well-functioning and effective website.

          8.2. It is recommended to attract young people in the village to maintain and online advertising materials.

          9. Sustainability Principles

          9.1. Economic Sustainability

          9.1.1. Employment

          Homestays must hire and employ staff the local community.

          9.2. Consumption

          9.2.1. Homestays should purchase raw materials and products local microenterprises.

          9.2.2. Encourage guests to purchase locally produced goods and set up a handicraft sales area in the homestay center/common area to showcase local products.

          9.3. Environmental Sustainability

          9.3.1. Limit and minimize the physical impact of tourists, especially on sensitive natural and cultural environments.

          9.3.2. Do not encourage guests to participate in activities that exploit local flora and fauna.

          9.4. Cultural and Social Sustainability

          9.4.1. Inform guests about the necessity of respecting local customs with appropriate behavior.

          9.4.2. Ensure that the local community is educated about the importance of preserving their culture.

          9.4.3. Prohibit participation in or allowing commercial sex activities or the use of illegal drugs.

          10. Media

          10.1. Homestay provides free Wi-Fi access in common areas and/or bedrooms.

          10.2. Members of the Homestay family can speak basic English.

          Members of the Homestay family can speak fluent English.


          Since the Geopark partner will have to commit in the official partnership agreement (see Appendix), the Geopark, on its part, must also make important commitments:

          4.1. Administrative:

- Establish formal agreements with each homestay partner of Geopark.

- Organize consultations, provide support in construction, and monitor Geopark partners (refer to the personnel chapter) or potential partners of Geopark.

- Arrange support on a case-by-case basis by traditional architecture and construction experts to advise homestay partners needing to construct or restore a traditional house.

- Provide guest registration books, record feedback, and keep logs of adventurous activities.

          4.2. Health care:

          - Provide (if necessary) a first aid/emergency kit to Geopark homestays.

          4.3 Training:

- Organize training sessions for Geopark homestay partners and Geopark heritage sites near the homestay partners. Recommend at least 1 day/year.

- Conduct training on tourist safety and emergency measures  

  4.4 Promotion:

- Provide each homestay selected as a partner of Geopark with a partnership certificate, an identification sign displaying the partner status will be displayed at the homestay facilities.

- Provide each Geopark homestay partner with brochures, Geopark general information boards (advertising signs, publications, etc.).

- Promote Geopark homestay partners on the Geopark website and through brochures, publications, trade shows (domestic and international?), etc.


5.1.    Personnel working for LSaUGGp's official partner program (LSPS)

To develop an official Geopark partner policy, the Geopark Management Board will have to identify personnel to work for the official Geopark partner program (or recruit new members) dedicated to monitoring and developing develop partnerships.

This personnel needs to have complete equipment to work (computer, transportation, camera - or quality smartphone for taking photos-, etc.), good skills in Geopark knowledge, tourism skills, understanding the local situation and good English (check criterion 10.2). An expert in architecture and traditional construction techniques needs to be recruited or have a long-term contract with Geopark 's partner working group (check basic criteria 2.1.2 and support the homestay project).

5.2.    Identify potential Geopark Homestay partners

In this first phase of Lang Son Geopark's official partnership strategy, LSPS will have to identify potential homestays to fulfill the cooperation criteria. Therefore, officials of the Provincial Tourism Authority, District leaders and the community need to help and guide the selection first and be followed by on-site inspections of the potentials, desires and interests of tourists. Homestay owner to become a partner of Lang Son Geopark.

Lang Son Geopark completes inspection before considering potential homestay candidacy as an official partner:

- In accordance with Vietnamese law, registered for official homestay service

- Homestay has completed the criteria of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) using the National Standards prescribed by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Decision 736/2009/QD-BKHCN dated May 4, 2009 and TCVN 7799:2009 motels for tourists; – TCVN 7800:2009 The house has rooms for rent to tourists[4].

5.3.    Expertise

After checking the points related to 5.2, the homestay candidate needs to be assessed by a member of the CBPS. Evaluations are conducted directly on-site for Geopark homestay candidates and must follow the checklist and procedures as described in 5.4

After the appraisal is completed, CBPS must develop a detailed report on the homestay candidate.

This report must follow the provisions of marksheet 5.4 and provide answers/comments for each item including photographs and relevant documents.

At the end of the CBPS report, you should indicate in your opinion whether the Homestay meets the criteria to become an official partner of Homestay Geopark (standard or )

This checklist will need to be revised according to Geopark's decision and choice to apply the Geopark criteria (Chapter 3)

5.4.    Due diligence checklist



Only related to   homestay


1.1 Host


Village and community

Identify attractive cultural and natural spots

a- Interview the homeowner to identify the closest natural and cultural attractions of Geopark

b- Write the names of these attractions

c- Use a map to determine the distance of these points

d- Include distance report



The homestay owner has no criminal record

a- request criminal record certification

b- attach a copy (jpg) in the report



The homestay host is in good health

a- require a health declaration or certificate signed by the innkeeper

b- attach a copy (jpg) in the report



Homestays need to be registered

a- request registration documents

b- attach a copy (jpg) in the report


2.1 Amenities




The structure of the house is always in good condition, stable and safe.

a-visit the homestay and check for structural defects such as cracks in the walls, broken beams, etc.

b-take photos of architectural defects

c- take general photos of the homestay



The design and construction materials partly reflect local architecture

a- Visit the homestay and carefully observe the architectural style as well as the materials used

b-take photos of typical architectural elements

c- check with traditional architecture expert Geopark for cultural authenticity



The design and construction materials perfectly reflect the local architecture

a- Visit the homestay and carefully observe the architectural style as well as the materials used

b-take photos of typical architectural elements

c- check with traditional architecture expert Geopark for cultural authenticity



Homestay hosts provide guests with private rooms

a- Ask the host to show you the guest's room

b- take notes if the bedroom is used exclusively by guests

c- write the room number

d- take photos of each bedroom



All guest rooms are secluded and comfortable

 a- ask the innkeeper to show you the guest bedroom

b- take notes if the bedroom is used exclusively by guests

c- write the living room number

d- check the comfort level of the bedroom

e- take photos of each bedroom



There is a minimum of one (1) bathroom/toilet for 5 guests

a- ask the innkeeper to show you the guest bathroom

b- take notes if the bathroom is used exclusively by guests

c- record the bathroom number for guests

d- take photos of each bathroom/toilet



bedroom with private bathroom

a- ask the homestay owner to show you the private bathroom

b- take photos of each bathroom/toilet



It is recommended that the house must have electricity

a- ask the homestay host about the electricity supply for the house

b- ask the homestay host about the continuous stability of the power source and the duration of the power outage

The house has electricity supply

a- ask the innkeeper about the electricity supply for the house

b- check if the power supply is continuous

c- check 1 or 2 electrical outlets to check the power supply




There are basic amenities and interior decoration in the guest bedroom

- Visit bedrooms and check available amenities

b- ensure that all amenities are in good condition

c- list the amenities provided

d- take photos of bedroom amenities



Rooms have good amenities and interior decoration

a- Visit the bedroom and check the available amenities

b- ensure that all amenities are in good condition

c- list the amenities provided

d- take photos of bedroom amenities



up to four of the total number of bedrooms in the house (maximum 15 beds)

a- ask the homestay host about the number of bedrooms allocated to guests

b-visit each bedroom

c- record the number of rooms reserved for guests

d- take pictures of the bed



Provides standard traditional beds

a- check the bed area

b- ensure that the mattress and pillows are clean and in good condition

c-take pictures of the bed



Providing good quality bedding

a- check the private bedroom

b- make sure that the mattress and pillows are clean and in good condition and placed on the bed

c-take pictures of the bed



Windows must be fitted with mesh frames (if necessary).

a- check the guest bedroom window and note if there is a screen frame installed

b-take photos of windows and curtain frames



Bed sheets are changed when necessary

a- check the guest bed sheets in the bedroom

b- ensure that clean towels are provided

c- make sure that the bed sheets are in good condition (no dust, fungus, odors, etc.)

d- take pictures of bed sheets




Provide sitting or squatting toilets

a- check the guest's bathroom and record whether it is inside or outside the house

b- if the toilet is located outside, record the distance of the toilet to the house

c- record the type of toilet being used (flat or squat)

d- take pictures of the toilet



Provide a sitting toilet

a- check the toilet located in the private bedroom

b- ensure that they are clean and in good condition

c- take pictures of the toilet



Toilet and bathroom basic amenities include door + lock

a- check the facilities provided in the toilet/bathroom (toilet, shower,..)

b- list the devices

c- ensure that the equipment is in good condition and properly positioned

d- take photos of the devices




Bathroom and toilet facilities in good condition

a- check the equipment provided in the toilet/private bathroom (toilet, shower, mirror, mirror light,..)

b- list the devices

c- ensure that the equipment is in good condition and properly positioned

d- take photos of the devices



Provide clean and adequate water

a- check the water source in the toilet/bathroom and note the water quality

b- record if a water filter or special water tank is used

c- ask the host if water is always supplied to the toilet/bathroom.


3.1 Activities


Village and community activities 3.1.1

Introducing traditional heritage and culture

a- Interview the facility owner and ask about the local cultural, natural, and intangible heritage

b- take photos if necessary



showcase local businesses

a- interview homestay owners about local businesses



Introducing Geopark

a- Interview facility owners and test their knowledge about Geopark


3.2 Other activities



Visit Geopark heritage sites in the surrounding area

a- check, with the home owner, the list of Geopark heritage sites/activities close to the homestay



Coordinate with other villages

a- request the host if there is cooperation with neighboring villages in carrying out homestay activities


3.3  Original



Homestay preserves identity

a- interview the hosts and ask about their history and culture

b- ask about changes in lifestyle and knowledge; how to use their original language

c- ask the host if the community will retain its identity, and culture



Related to general activities

a- interview the homeowner about common activities that the village organizes

b- list common activities

c- ask guests (if possible) if they have participated in any common activities



Preserving local crafts

a- interview the host and ask about local handicrafts and performance activities

b- list crafts and performance activities

c- take photos of handicrafts (and performance activities, if possible)




Management unit


The homestay has a clear structure

a- Note the roles and responsibilities of each family member



empower local women and youth

a- ask the innkeeper about the participation of women and young people in the house



Village/village government

a- interview the village authorities and ask about their opinions about homestays


Guest database


Guest profile

b- record if the village government supports the homestay



Records of customer complaints and suggestions

a-review of complaint/suggestion records

b- take photos of complaints/suggestions






Accessibility by any means of transport

a-Visit the homestay and record accessible means of transportation



Signage is clear

a- experience it yourself: take a trip to the village and take note of the signs leading to the homestays as well as the information contained therein (distance, etc.)






All rooms are clean

a- check the homestay's room, kitchen and toilet and observe the cleanliness of the floors, walls and ceilings

b- check for dirt, dust, mold and unpleasant odors, etc.

c- take photos of different locations showing the level of cleanliness



The kitchen floor is regularly cleaned

a- inspect the kitchen floor and check for stains, puddles, dust, fungus, etc

b- make sure the floor is dry

c- take photos of the kitchen floor



Toilets and showers are regularly cleaned

a- inspect all bathrooms/toilets and check cleanliness of appliances, bathtubs, wells, etc.

b- take pictures



Use disinfectant

a- interview the homeowner and ask if he/she uses disinfectant for the toilet

b- ask the hostel owner to show you the type of disinfectant used and take a photo of the disinfectant



Provide shower gel, shampoo...etc

a- check the guest bathroom and check the availability of soap, shampoo, toilet tissue and clean towels

b- make sure all amenities are in place

C- list available amenities

d- take photos of amenities


Surrounding area


No waste

a- check the cleanliness of complexes around the house

b- ensure that there are no elements that disrupt the landscape

c- take composite photos



Eliminates mosquito breeding

a- check the outside and inside of the house

b- ensure that there are no places for mosquitoes to breed (stagnant water in pots, drains, ponds, etc.)

c- check if the host has mosquito spray available for guests (if there are mosquitoes)

d- take photos of any areas where mosquitoes may nest



Participate in beautifying the village landscape

a- observe the landscape in the village and take note of the local plants and trees used to create the landscape

b- ask the homeowner about the village's efforts to beautify the village landscape

c- landscape shots of trees and plants grown for landscaping


Food preparation


The kitchen is in good condition and clean

a- Observe the kitchen area and check the condition and cleanliness of the utensils and cooking area

b - take pictures



The stove is in good condition

a- Check the kitchen utensils used to serve food to guests

b-make sure that all tools are clean and free dust, fungus, etc

c- Take photos of the tools as well as the place where they are stored during preservation



Do not use chipped items

a-check the quality and condition of plates, glasses, cups, etc. used in serving meals to guests

- make sure they are all clean without dust, fungus, rust,..

c- take photos of tools



Family members are in good health

a- Ask the host to show you the costumes used in preparing food for guests

b- Ask or observe the homestay staff if they have skin diseases, etc.

c- Make sure Homestay staff do not have open wounds



Prepare food using local and fresh ingredients

a- Ask the innkeeper about the source of ingredients used in preparing food for guests

b- ask about where and how components are stored



Store food properly

a- Observe how to preserve food when storing

b- Check that tools for covering, preserving, and wrapping food are in clean condition

c- Take photos



Safe drinking water

a- examine the drinking water served to guests and note its color, purity and odor

b- ask the host about the source of drinking water and whether the water is boiled before serving to guests


Security and safety




Eco-adventure guests must be registered

a- if guests register for an eco-adventure activity, check their registration

b - take pictures



The homestay has an emergency/first aid kit

- check if the homestay has an emergency/first aid kit

- take a photo



The phone has emergency numbers

- check that the homeowner has a phone with an emergency number and that it is working


Promotional website



Website and social network development

a- ask the homestay owner for the website address or social pages - facebook (facebook) used to promote the homestay

b- visit websites and save a screenshot of the home page

c- print a copy of the page and attach it in the report



Have a good website

a- ask the homestay owner for the website address or social pages - facebook (facebook) used to promote the homestay

b- visit websites and save a screenshot of the home page

c- check if the website/social media has an English version

d- attach a printout of the website in the report



Attract young people in the village

a- Interview the homestay owner to ask if village youth participate in using the internet to promote and information about the homestay

b- if yes, record how many youth participated


Principles of sustainability



Homestay hires local staff

a- interview the host regarding employment of staff the local community




Buy local ingredients and goods

a- Interview the homeowner about the source of materials and products used in the homestay

b- ask about what types of materials/products are produced in the village



Encourage customers to buy local products

a- ask the host if guests are encouraged to buy locally


Environmental sustainability 9.3.1

Limit the impact of tourism

a- Interview the homestay owner about the activities carried out to minimize the social impacts of the homestay guests



Guests are not encouraged to exploit local geology, flora and fauna

a- interview the homestay owner and ask if the activities offered to guests may have an impact on local geology, fauna and flora and encourage them to learn about those values

b- if so, ask about the measures taken to minimize that impact


Social and cultural sustainability


Inform guests to respect local customs

a- interview the homestay owner and ask if the guest has been notified of inappropriate behavior

b- Please inform visitors of the regulations for the homestay when guests stay or visit



Ensure the preservation of local community culture

a- Interview the host and ask if the local community has been educated about the importance of preserving their culture



Prohibit participation in commercial sexual activities or illegal drugs

a- ask the homeowner what measures are in place to prevent illegal activities occurring in the village






homestay with free wifi access

a- Ask the host about free wifi access

b- connect to your wifi to check

c- Take a photo of the wifi station



Family members can communicate in basic English

a- Ask the host if family members can communicate in basic English

b- Test with a short conversation, basic English level



Family members can speak English fluently

a- Ask the host if some family members can use English well

b- Check with a short conversation


For the early stages of Geopark's homestay partnership, and making an objective evaluation decision, it is recommended to conduct a very simple evaluation without any ratio (weighting).

6.1 Homestay partner of Geopark Standard class

On the basis of the rating page below for Geopark standard class homestay partners, 62 questions need to be taken. With each question equaling 1 point, that means a total of 62 points.

In column S (standard), gray cells need to be evaluated positively (1 point).

The total number of these (mandatory) gray cells is 37.

Can recommend a total of 37 points / 62 points (plus points in all gray boxes) must be the minimum to be recognized as a Geopark Homestay partner


6.2  Homestay partner of Geopark class

12 questions specific to this category (yellow). For each question, 1 point means 12 maximum points

Gray cells, in this column, need a positive rating (1 point)

Geopark Homestay partner needs :

1) Same as standard class Homestay, minimum total score is 37/62 (plus points in all gray boxes)

2) Minimum 10 points / 12 points in column (add points in all yellow boxes)


6.3 Evaluation form

This rating form will need to be revised according to GEOPARK's decision and choice to apply the GEOPARK criteria (Chapter 3)











Village and community

Located near cultural and natural attractions






The homestay provider has no criminal record






The homestay provider is in good health






Homestay providers need to be officially registered








The structure of the house is always in good condition, stable and safe.






The design and construction materials partly reflect local architecture






The design and construction materials reflect the perfect vernacular architecture






The homestay provider provides bedroom(s) for guests






All guest rooms are comfortably separated






There is a minimum of one (1) guest bathroom/toilet






bedroom with private bathroom






The house should have electricity.



house with electricity







There are basic amenities and interior decoration in the guest bedroom






Rooms have good amenities and interior decoration






maximum four of the total number of bedrooms in the house






Provides traditional standard beds






Providing good quality bedding






Windows should be attached to screen frames (if necessary).






Bed linens are changed when necessary







Provide sitting or squatting toilets






Provide sit-down toilets






Basic toilet and comfortable bathroom with door + lock






good toilet and bathroom






Provide clean and adequate water






Village and community activities


Introducing local heritage and culture






Introducing local businesses






Introducing Geopark




Other activities



Visit Geopark's heritage sites in the surrounding area






Cooperate with other villages







Homestay preserves its identity






Guests participate in community activities






Preserving traditional crafts







The homestay structure has a clear role






Empowering local women and youth






Empower village management





Guest data


Guest profile






Records of customer complaints and suggestions







Accessible to any means of transportation






Signage is clear




Clean and hygienic



All rooms are clean






The kitchen floor is regularly cleaned






Toilets and bathrooms are always clean






Use disinfectant






Soap and shampoo provided





Surrounding area


Free trash






Eliminate mosquito nests






Participate in beautifying the village





Food preparation


The kitchen is in clean and tidy condition






Kitchen utensils in good condition






Do not use broken utensils to serve






Family members have good personal hygiene






Prepare food using fresh and local ingredients






Food is stored properly






safe drinking water




Safe security

Eco-adventure 7.1  

Eco-adventure guests are registered






Have an emergency/first aid kit at home






The phone has an emergency number




Promotional website


Develop website and social networking sites






Have a well-functioning website






attract young people in the village




Principles of sustainability


Home stay hires local staff







Buy local ingredients and foods






Recommend customers to buy local products





Environmental sustainability


Limit the impact of tourism






Do not encourage guests to exploit local flora and fauna





Social and cultural sustainability


Inform guests to respect local customs






ensuring local communities preserve their culture






Prohibit participation in commercial sexual activities or illegal drugs





Wi-Fi 10.1

homestays have free Wi-Fi access in public areas






Members of the homestay family can speak basic English






member of the homestay family can speak good English









7.1. Print/Edit

After making all necessary and appropriate decisions regarding the criteria, etc. Geopark will have to come up with several products:

- Instructions and procedures for Geopark's Homestay partners (in English and Vietnamese).

- Official agreement for Geopark's homestay partner model (English and Vietnamese)

- Geopark Homestay Cooperation Certificate (one for standard, one for )

- A new Geopark partner identification sign will be placed at the entrance of the partner facility. This table will be the same for any type of partnership.

7.2. Others

Geopark will also have to:

- Provide emergency/first aid kit to homestay partner (if convenient estimate)    - Guest book

- Organize and conduct one day training (per year) for each homestay partner - Organize and conduct a training course on security procedures (if convenient estimate)


8.1 Example of formal agreement for Homestay (needs to be adjusted)

8.2 publication by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam: Vietnam Homestay Operations Handbook, published in 2013 with support the European Union. A Vietnamese version can be found at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

This professional and well-made publication explaining the basics for homestays should be distributed during the first contact with a homestay partner candidate.          manualPDF.pdf



This is an agreement made between:

Mr./ Ms. .................................................

Homestay Manager ...................................................


Hereinafter referred to as the Manager

the first,

And representative of Geopark………………., Mr:……………………………………

Hereafter referred to as Geopark

Agree that:

Article 1: Purpose of the agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to define the conditions to regulate Geopark 's homestay cooperation and the respective commitments of both parties.

The goals of the Geopark cooperation project are:

- Providing Geopark customers with quality and attractive accommodation

- To ensure welcoming quality that meets guests' expectations when coming to Geopark

- To support and promote local initiatives as well as products and manufacturers within Geopark - Participate in increasing the overall quality of the tourist offer on the territory of Geopark

Article 2: term of agreement

There is a term of 4 years the date the agreement is signed and there are changes according to the agreement

          Article 3: Manager's commitment:

1. The manager, who signs the Geopark partnership, commits to respecting detailed criteria in the war

Geopark homestay strategy (criteria list).

  1. The Manager undertakes to promote Geopark, through the installation of an identification sign placed at the entrance of his premises and to promote the Geopark partnership by providing his customers with Communication materials provided by Geopark (leaflets, etc.). The manager undertakes to return documents in case of termination of activities or withdrawal of partnership.
  2. The manager commits to accept Geopark 's inspection and present corresponding supporting documents. Commit to accepting the consequences that these control measures may cause: warnings, cancellations in case of non-compliance with the Criteria.
  3. The manager is committed to training his employees about the Geopark partnership.
  4.  Manager participates in Geopark training actions (one day annually) and quality reEvaluations as recommended, for customer Geopark Evaluation sheets provided.
  5. The manager agrees that at least one member of his staff can provide information, at least in basic English, to his customers. If necessary, he ensures that at least one member of his staff, follows training classes in this language to reach the desired minimum level. Ensure that a minimum information about your facility is in English (website and/or leaflets).

              Article 4: Geopark's commitment:

1- Geopark commits to providing 1 day of training each year for managers about the incentives and meaning of Geopark.

2- Geopark commits to organizing any necessary training courses so that at least one member of the management team can have a minimum basic English proficiency (?).

3- Geopark commits to providing managers with documents related to Geopark promotion: certificates, leaflets, etc.

4- Geopark commits to providing managers with first/emergency kits and manuals

5- Geopark is committed to listening to managers about its quality approach and understanding of Geopark. Geopark is also committed to managing partners in promoting each other and local products

6- Geopark is committed to promoting recognized partners through media, websites, leaflets... etc.

7- Geopark commits to supporting the partner organization, if necessary, to ensure a minimum English translation of its information.

8- Geopark commits to providing an annual training course for managers on security measures

          Article 5: Financial commitment:

Commitment without financial regulations.

Article 6: Termination of operations:

In the event that the facility is transferred or terminated, the Parties agree that the withdrawal of cooperation shall be immediate.

Article 7: Contract changes:

This Agreement may only be modified by an amendment in writing and signed by the parties.

Article 8: Duration:

This agreement is valid for a period of 4 years.


[1] Excerpted ASEAN Homestay standards, January 2016

[2] ASEAN Homestay Standards, January 2016, page 1

[3] Excerpted many different Geopark partner sources and ASEAN Homestay criteria

[4] The link to Appendix B of those (online) documents cannot be connected

Bài liên quan
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Lang Son Geopark was evaluated and voted to be recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark by the Global Geoparks Council.

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