Meeting to discuss the potential of building a Tourism Craft Village Model to experience and learn about history and culture in Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district

Phạm Hương 16/02/2023


Implementing Plan No. 258/KH-UBND of the People's Committee of Lang Son Province dated December 26, 2022 , Plan No. 16/KH-BCĐ of the Steering Committee for Lang Son Global Geopark Construction dated January 19, 2023 , Plan No. 68/KH-BQLCVĐC of Lang Son Geopark Management Board dated January 27, 2023  on  construction and development of Lang Son Geopark in 2023, Lang Son Geopark Management Board has worked closely with Chi Lang Advisory Group to advise on the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark to successfully organize a community engagement activity to protect the environment "For a waste-free dried noodles village in Van Linh commune in 2023" and the Contest "Learning about geological heritage, Lang Son Geopark and Chi Lang Victory" in 2023.

After that, the Lang Son Geopark Management Board continued to coordinate with Chi Lang Advisory Group to advise on the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark to hold meetings and discuss a Tourism Craft Village Model to experience and learn about history and culture in Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district, elevate the brand name Van Linh Dried Noodles and  Golden Chicken. Attending the meeting were Leaders and Officials of Lang Son Geopark Management Board; members of Chi Lang Advisory Group on the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark; representatives of Van Linh Commune People's Committee, Van Linh Commune Market Management Board; representatives of the cooperatives, the producers of Van Linh Dried Noodles and Golden Chicken.

At the meeting, participants discussed the potential for cooperation in building a model of a tourism craft village to experience and learn about history and culture (connecting tours Chi Lang historical relic site), branding Van Linh Dried Noodles and Golden Chicken attached Logo of Lang Son Geopark, aiming to attach Logo of a UNESCO Global Geopark; assessing the situation, proposing solutions to protect the environment in craft villages in Van Linh commune, the current situation and environmental solutions and the situation of using plastic bags and plastic waste in Van Linh commune market, the situation of building and developing the brand names of Van Linh Dried Noodles and Golden Chicken; heritage sites, relics, temples and potentials for tourism development, the quality of human resources in Van Linh commune; the story of the history of Van Linh Dried Noodles Village, legends, poetry, and stories about Van Linh Dried Noodles, the production process, especially the drying stage.

The Chairman of the People's Committee of Van Linh Commune acknowledged the community engagement to protect the environment "For a waste-free dried noodles village in Van Linh commune in 2023" has contributed to raising the awareness of the community about environmental protection, especially in Van Linh Dried Noodles Craft Village. In the coming time, Van Linh commune will drastically implement environmental protection activities such as piloting socialization for garbage collection activities (in cooperation with garbage collection companies) in Old Town Village, New Town Village (Van Linh Dried Noodles Craft Village); holding a meeting with traders of Van Linh Commune Market to thoroughly grasp the work of environmental protection, through traders to propagate to market-goers about maintaining hygiene, protecting environment at Van Linh Commune Market; research on sanctions for acts of causing environmental pollution.

Lang Son Geopark Management Board highly appreciated the determination of the local government in environmental protection, especially after the event "For a waste-free dried noodles village in Van Linh commune in 2023", the delegation of Lang Son Geopark Management Board returned to Van Linh commune with surprise and impression on the clean and beautiful landscape, roads and  Van Linh Dried Noodles Yard, no longer seeing any garbage. Along the road Chi Lang district town to Van Linh commune, through Thuong Cuong and Hoa Binh communes, it is also very impressive because there is no waste like before, there are only green trees and fields, mountains on both sides of the road. In the coming time, Lang Son Geopark Management Board will continue to coordinate with Chi Lang Advisory Group  on the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark to organize a training course on Geoparks, building a typical craft village model, potential products under the UNESCO Global Geopark brand, integrating environmental activities "For a waste-free Van Linh commune in 2023 - Building  a typical craft village in Lang Son Geopark" and the Workshop "Improving the capacity of women in construction and development of Lang Son Geopark, including taking households producing Van Linh dried noodles, golden chicken to survey and learn about experience at Cho Bai Dried Noodles and Star Anise Village, Yen Phuc commune, Van Quan district; consider organizing a contest for 200 households producing Dried Noodles and some households producing Van Linh Golden Chicken on the production process to ensure environmental hygiene and food safety, thereby selecting five excellent households to support the development of packaging and labels of typical products in Lang Son Geopark, towards attaching Lang Son Geopark Logo and the UNESCO Lang Son Global Geopark Logo, Contest "Designing Demo of a dream Van Linh Dried Noodles and Tourism Craft Village" for high school and junior high school students in Chi Lang district (the contest can be expanded by inviting some architectural firms in the  Lang Son city).

Pham Huong

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