Enhancing the role of the community in the preservation and promotion of heritage in Lang Son Geopark

Phạm Hương 10/01/2023


Lang Son Geopark was established on December 16th, 2021 under Decision No. 2424/QĐ-UBND of the People's Committee of Lang Son province, within the administrative scope of five districts: Bac Son, Binh Gia , Chi Lang, Huu Lung and Van Quan with a total area of 3,845.8 km2, a population of 375,656 people (accounting for about 46.3% of the area and 48.1% of the province's population). Lang Son Geopark aims to preserve intact and exploit, rationally and sustainably use the values of Geo-Heritage, geomorphology, natural landscape, cultural identity (tangible, intangible), diversity biological form and so on.

All acts of infringing upon and breaking the above heritage values within Lang Son Geopark will be strictly handled in accordance with the law. Preserving geological and other heritage sites in the Lang Son Geopark area, thereby becoming a sustainable development tool for the benefit of present and future generations; paying attention to research and education, raising awareness, quality of human resources, strengthening international integration; strengthening the participation of people and local authorities for a sustainable region. Heritage promotion, tourism, economic and social development to ensure quality of life in the Geopark area; poverty reduction, gender equality, raising people's awareness of environmental issues and preserving Geo-Heritage, people are proud of their living environment. Lang Son Geopark is operated for a sustainable and prosperous development of Lang Son Geopark on the basis of education, quality improvement of human resources, research, preservation, sustainable socio-economic development, international integration and active participation, happiness and pride in people's living environment as a measure for action; creating a driving force for the socio-economic development of Lang Son Geopark in particular and Lang Son province in general.

The community plays an important role in the preservation and promotion of the values of Lang Son Geopark as below:

 Management staff: Officials and employees of Geopark Management Board; departments and mass organizations related to the development, preservation and promotion of the Geopark's value.

 Guides: Guides are the bridge between tourists and locals who often come into contact with tourists. Above all, they must be the subjects who have a strong and in-depth understanding of the Geopark to introduce to tourists and at the same time be effective propagandists for the community education program, playing an important role in improving the communication between tourist and the Management Board of Geopark and local people.

Tourists: Tourists play an important role in raising public awareness. Tourists come from many cultures, different localities, different perceptions. Therefore, through publications, instruction boards, clear and specific codes of conduct, through the introduction of guides, narrators and service staff at hotels and restaurants, tourists will obtain information about the geopark and behave appropriately with the heritage. Propaganda and specific instructions, listing the required content of behavior will have an impact on visitors, so it can contribute to the preservation goals set by the Management Board of the Geopark.


Local communities in the Geopark area:

 Management staff (leaders, employees of departments, divisions and units of the district); the police, border guard and army forces stationed in the district.

 Local people: The local community (working people; individuals, units, businesses doing business in the area) is an important object in the program, people's awareness plays the most important role because they are the real owners of the heritage. People must be aware of their role in preserving and promoting heritage values actively and voluntarily (implementing the Geopark partner program such as attaching the Geopark symbol to restaurants, hotels, means of transport, local products...).

 Students and teachers of schools in the Geopark: Students - future owners of heritage, teachers - decisive factors for the success of heritage education in schools, these two subjects requires special program attention.

 Service staff: Narrators, service staff at heritage sites, tourist attractions, tourist service providers

In order to realize the objective of the Project on establishment, construction and development of Lang Son Geopark in the period of 2021 - 2025, issued together with Decision No. 2386/QĐ-UBND of the People's Committee Lang Son Province dated December 8th, 2021, Lang Son Geopark will be soon recognized as a Global Geopark by UNESCO, contributing to creating a driving force for socio-economic development in Lang Son Geopark in particular and Lang Son Province in general. It is necessary to continue  paying attention and strengthen the role of the community in the protection and promotion of heritage values in Lang Son Geopark.

 Synthesized by Pham Huong

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